
Showing posts from 2014

Platforms For When You Leave the Textbook

Graphic Organizers for Visible Thinking

My Students Completed 20 Hours of Code-What Now?

What's an Assessment Blueprint? (and why you should use one)

3 Websites to Learn How Connected the World Really Is

3 Literacy Activities for any Subject!

Support Reading Across any Subject with NewsELA and Diigo

Hour of Code!

Academic Literacy-Part 4: Innovative Literacies

How to Foster Collaborative Discussion (and the tools to do it!)

What Kind of Presenter Are You?

Google Forms Never Looked so Good with "Super Quiz"

Academic Literacy-Part 3: Collaborative Literacies

Sending Differentiated Resources with Doctopus

Academic Literacy-Part 2: Argumentative Literacies

The Power of G Class Folders

Academic Literacy-Part 1: Disciplinary Literacy

3 Great Science Apps to Start the School Year

Mapping Water Quality with Google Maps and Spreadsheet Data

Peer Assessment with Google Forms and Filters