
Showing posts from 2015

Drawings as Graphic Organizers-Limitless Possibilities!

Provide Mastery Learning through Data Validation and Google Forms

The Power of Screencasts...and the Tools to Do Them

Introduction to Google Maps

Tools for Tracking Collaborative Work in Google Docs

Great Graphic Organizer for Comparing and Contrasting

KIS Talk: Collaborative Discussion and NewsELA

Why I Gave Up Genius Hour

60 Rockstar Chrome Apps and Extensions for the New School Year

Using Google Sites for Assessment

Make Student Portfolios with SiteMaestro

The Visibile Thinking Chronicles: See Think Wonder

5 Powerschool Tips and Tricks to Start the Year

The Gamification Chronicles Part 1: Kahoot

Using Multiple Correct Answers with "Flubaroo"

Use Named Ranges and Countif for Amazing Data Collation

Using the Query Function to Filter and Sort Data

The Power of Study Guides

Tips for Customizing and Improving your Google Forms Functionality and Efficiency

Thinking of Becoming a Google Educator or Certified Teacher?

Importing Data through HTML

My Students Built a Digestive System in Minecraft and Reshaped My Classroom

DocAppender-The Ultimate Peer Assessment Tool

How and Why I Got Into International Teaching