
Showing posts from 2016

Data Mining in PE Class

Green Screen Technology in the Classroom

Google Timelapse

Helping your Staff Grow Professionally

Analyze Class "Understanding" with Persuall

60 Chrome Apps and Extensions for Students

Presentation Tools to Use This Year

Search for Free to Use Music in "Youtube"

Giving Descriptive Feedback with Screencasts and Google Analytics

Resources for Podcasting with Garageband

Teaching Green Screen Skills for Interpretation, Modelling, and Analysis

The Amazing Race comes to Education!

The Gamification Chronicles: Combine Assessment, Review and Gaming with "Quizizz"

The Hank Moody Effect-Is Online Communication Evolving or Devolving?

The Power of Pear Deck

Give Students an Audience with "Write About"

Grading Open-Ended Responses with Flubaroo

Randomly Pick Kids with "Kidpicker"

Comparing Zaption and Edpuzzle

Augmenting Reality in the Classroom

Video Assessment with Zaption