Provide Mastery Learning through Data Validation and Google Forms

I'm working my way through my level 2 educator course and every module has a formative assessment afterwards. The assessments are usually 3-4 questions and if you get a question wrong, Google wants you to know, and know what the "correct" answers are. Why not do the same with our students?

Enter Data Validation
With a google form, you can select the 3 bullets at the bottom of a question and select "data validation" with this and indicate that an open-ended or text response matches what has been entered in the validation. What this means is that if a student has an incorrect answer, the form will not allow them to move on until their answer is correct. This has enormous potential with key concepts and spelling of key vocabulary. Here is a quick tutorial:

There is a downside with this. Too many questions of this nature may frustrate students as they can't submit the form until is 100% perfect so I recommend doing this sparingly with only a few key questions.

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