The Visibile Thinking Chronicles: See Think Wonder

I've started reading a great book called "Making Thinking Visible-How to promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All Learners" by Ritchhart, Church and Morrison. I've had a few visible thinking activities in my bag of tricks and all them have been amazing to get my students discussing issues and sharing ideas.

"See, Think, Wonder" is a great one that you can use with a piece of artwork, graph, or picture that merits discussion. I used this as a prompt to get my students discussing what the difference is between an "observation and inference".

Running the Activity
See. Present the image and solely ask students to make observations A great activity to use with this is "Think, Pair Share" and from this, have every partner team share things that they see in their picture.

Think. After "see" have them offer opinions about what they think is happening. This is the place for inferences. It's great to see how much critical thinking and insight comes from this!

Wonder. Although you might believe that this step and "think" are the same, it's amazing at the depth my students went with this. From the slide below, some were wondering if the man failed to see the orange cone and whether it was put there as a warning. Some wondered if his coffee was starbucks!


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